Boeing—B-52 Stratofortress: Mission Profile US Air Force: Aircraft
Boeing—B-52 Stratofortress: Mission Profile Armament options: one 20-mm M61A1 cannon with 1,242 rounds fitted, but tail gun installation not used and tail-gunner crew position not filled in current operations; internal bomb bay and inboard wing pylons with provision for AGM-69A SRAM-A (short-range attack missile) not used in current operations; AGM-86B ALCM (air-launched cruise missile); AGM-129A ACM (Advanced ALCM); B61 or B83 nuclear bombs; provision for a variety of conventional bombs and AGM-142A Have Nap precision attack missiles Strategic bombardment: on a nuclear mission, the B-52 would employ air refueling but could have a range up to 8,000 miles (12,875 km) unrefueled with eight AGM-86B ALCM (air-launched cruise missiles) internally · plus six on each of two wing pylons to total 20 missiles launched 1,500 miles (2,414 km) from target; or up to 20 AGM-129A ACM (Advanced ALCM); or 'clip' of four B61 700-lb (318-kg) or B83 2,400-lb (1,089-kg) maximum-drogued nuclear bombs Theater/conventional bombardment: on a conventional mission, the B-52 would employ air refueling but could have a radius up to 3,800 miles (6,115 km) unrefueled with up to 27 internal and up to nine Mk 84 2,000-lb (907-kg) bombs externally on each of two inboard wing pylons with stub pylons and HSAB (heavy stores adapter beam) to total 45 bombs; 27 750-lb (340-kg) M117 or 1,000-lb (454-kg) Mk 83 bombs in internal bay plus 12 on inboard 'Hound Dog' wing pylon with MERs to total 51 bombs; AGM-142A Have Nap TV-guided precision missile carried externally provides 50-mile (80-km) stand-off capability with 1,975-lb (896-kg) high-explosive warhead; AGM-86C conventional cruise missiles available